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ThetaHealing Basic DNA
Basic DNA is the first course required to become a certified ThetaHealing practitioner. The course covers ThetaHealing procedures, the power of our thoughts, and the interconnectedness of all beings.
We will investigate ways for changing life patterns influenced by core, genetic, historical, and soul beliefs, whether self-inflicted or externally enforced. We think that our thoughts and feelings are inherited from our ancestors. At the genetic level, attendees sense the Creator's unconditional love.
This course will teach you how to identify your own beliefs and apply them to others. This approach identifies limiting thoughts and teaches the body to replace them with good ones.
You have the option to take this seminar ONLINE with a qualified Online Instructor or IN-PERSON with a certified Instructor.
ThetaHealing Advance DNA
The knowledge contained in Basic DNA is expanded upon in Advanced DNA to include a thorough comprehension of the Seven Planes of Existence.
With the help of exercises like "Baby in the Womb" and "Heal the Broken Soul," you can learn how to let go of old grudges, promises, and obligations that are holding you back and how to heal.
You will experience great healing and enlightenment through feelings that are "Downloaded from the Instructor."
Discover new, uplifting sensations like appreciating the present moment and understanding what it means to accept oneself from the perspective of the seventh plane.
After finishing Advanced DNA, you should have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of ThetaHealing.
You have the option to take this seminar ONLINE with a qualified Online Instructor or IN-PERSON with a certified Instructor.
ThetaHealing Dig Deeper
The ThetaHealing Technique teaches practitioners the "digging" technique, which effectively addresses the root cause of difficulties. This narrative-style technique allows us to easily uncover the elusive and deep subconscious thoughts and beliefs that often stymie us. ThetaHealing then works to clear these through unconditional love, belief, and feeling.
This session is aimed to provide all ThetaHealers with a firm foundation and pointers so that you may confidently dig for your customers' critical core beliefs. You won't know what beliefs to modify unless we correctly discover the true heart and root of the problem. It could also imply that the modifications you make may only be temporary, and un-cleared
negative beliefs can be barriers to true healing.
The goal-setting and pursuit of your personal and professional objectives are the main topics of this session. To help you materialize your desires, we seek to uncover and resolve any subconscious obstacles or limiting beliefs that might be in the way. We help the formation of a good and aligned mindset by methodically removing these obstacles. During this process, you will not only be able to accomplish your goals more easily, but you will also be able to make a profound change in your ability to effectively and clearly realize your dreams.
You have the option to take this seminar ONLINE with a qualified Online Instructor or IN-PERSON with a certified Instructor.
PRE REQUISITES : Basic DNA and Advanced DNA Practitioners
Thetahealing You and The Creator
We are believed to reach several degrees of love during this lifetime, including love for the Creator, love for ourselves, love for a significant other, and a true understanding of what it is to love your friends, family, and the entire world. We must be able to grasp things, but how can we do so if the programs we currently use tell us that mastering them is not possible?
We will be teaching our next relationship seminar, You and the Creator, to help the students discover and comprehend the subconscious mind's underbelly. How their bodies function to solve difficulties and how they distinguish between speaking with the Creator's energy and speaking with their ego or higher self.
Recall that the Creator is an infinitely pure and perfect loving energy. It's a love that knows. Your life will be transformed by it. Every atom contains this energy, this life force, and each atom is a component of both you and the world around you. We'll discover the distinctions in discernment, and you'll discover how to work with and retrain your subconscious to serve your interests.
The reason this seminar is significant is that each time I conduct one,
Every time, someone asks, "How can I tell if the answer is from the Creator?"
You will learn how to focus your thoughts to comprehend from this session.
You have the option to take this seminar ONLINE with a qualified Online Instructor or IN-PERSON with a certified Instructor.
This seminar is available for Basic, Advanced, Dig Deeper
Practitioners and may be taken with the You and Your Significant
Other: Growing Your Relationships 1 or by itself.
PREREQUISITES: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper Practitioners
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