About Ria Johar

I was always that child who wanted to get into whys of everything. I always empathized with most of the people around me and wondered how I could help those who could not help themselves. My gut always felt other's emotions and my empath side kept growing.
I have always had a side of me which was inclined towards sorting out issues of self and others. Before getting into healings I had to go through my own storms and mental health issues, specifically stating, Heavy Anxiety, De- personalization and De-realization. The moment I got healed and my issues got mostly resolved I immediately took the opportunity to learn healings professionally and pursue it as a career.
Today I am a certified Healer and a Therapist. I am also a Reiki practitioner.
I have a very strong approach towards life and work, i.e., "We all are ever Growing and ever Evolving". Life is all about learning, evolving and moving on to the next step with self-bettering approach.